Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Do you feel everyone should take multivitamins? if you don't take multivitamins, why not? If you do what brand do you take & why do you take those from others?


  1. I myself take Gaspari Nutrition "Anavite" multivitamins. I'm taking the whole series of their products so im following suit but i have no complaints on their multivitamins. And i feel everyone needs them. No matter how healthy you are you still need a Multivitamin because you still missing key nutrients or ingredients in your diet. "Better to have & not need then need & not have."

  2. I think taking a multi vitamin is good thing. It never hurts to have extra healthy things in your system.

  3. Which stores can I find Gaspari Nutrition "Anavite" multi-vitamins? And if I don't want to take those multi-vitamins, which stores do you recommend that I go to, to find comparable multi-vitamins?

  4. I normally shop @ Vitamin Shoppe but if needed you can go to GNC. also depending on your age and activity level get the Multi packs from GNC they have multi-vitamins for over 50/Active etc.... Get the one that fits your active lifestyle.
